The streaming show premieres tonight at 6 p.m. and runs through January 1, 2022.
Our Night Court has designated Houston Volunteer Lawyers to benefit from proceeds attributable to its participation in this production to support legal charities.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to show you how you can watch an entertaining program and benefit the critical work of Houston Volunteer Lawyers at the same time:
- Buy your ticket to watch Virtually Legal here (ticket proceeds will be split evenly among all four designated legal charities)
- Then, go back to the main page on the site, scroll up, and click on the “Register Now” button
- Enter your information
- Click “Submit”
- Select the amount you’d like to donate and choose Houston Volunteer Lawyers as the recipient
- You must go through steps 2-5 in order to direct any donation specifically to Houston Volunteer Lawyers
Virtually Legal has been accredited for one hour of CLE, including one hour of ethics.
After you watch the show, you will receive an email with the CLE information for you to self-report. If you have any questions regarding CLE or need assistance in reporting, please contact Ashley Gagnon Steininger at ashleyg@hba.org.
If you need assistance with your ticket purchase or donation to Houston Volunteer Lawyers, please contact Tara Taheri at tara@tarataheri.com.