Recruit More Boots Challenge
February 1 – 29
“We need more boots on the ground” in the fight to provide low-income Texans access to legal representation. – James B. Sales
The Purpose
On February 1, HVL is launching a “Recruit More Boots” pro bono campaign in honor of the late James B. Sales. Mr. Sales initiated and founded Houston Volunteer Lawyers over 40 years ago. He is well known among the State Bar for having coined the motto, saying “we need more boots on the ground” in the fight to provide low-income Texans access to legal representation. We hope you’ll join us in this challenge and honoring Mr. Sales spirit for pro bono.
The Challenge
HVL’s “Recruit More Boots” campaign challenges legal professionals to not only dedicate their time to pro bono work, but to actively recruit new volunteers, fostering a stronger, more connected community of legal advocates for those in need.
Join this challenge to amplify the impact of pro bono service and to cultivate a sense of shared responsibility within Houston’s legal community.
Prizes will be awarded to the volunteer who recruits the most friends, the law firm and corporate legal department who takes the most cases. There will be a raffle drawing that includes anyone who partners up to take a case.
Get Involved
- Invite a Friend to
- volunteer with you at a legal advice clinic.
- partner with you on a pro bono case (or they can take their own case!)
- Invite a Law Firm or Corporate Counsel Legal Department to
- co-sponsor a legal advice clinic.
- create a pro bono representation case project.
Share on Social Media
- Follow us on social media and share our posts.
- on Facebook @HVLPInc
- on LinkedIn @houvolunteerlawyers
- on Instagram @houvolunteerlawyers
- Download flyer for email and print.
- Download flyer for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
- Tag HVL in your posts and use #bootsontheground #recruitmoreboots #probono #houprobono