If you are being evicted now and need legal assistance, please click HERE.
Evictions, Covid-19, and the CARES Act
The federal government passed the CARES Act in March to help people affected by Covid-19. The CARES Act provides some protections for renters and tenants. Watch the video and see the documents below for more information:
- Pro Se Guide (1) – You can read this for information about how to represent yourself and how to find out how the CARES Act may help you.
- Search to see if your property is covered by the CARES Act:
- TRLA map tool,
- National Low Income Housing Coalition: https://nlihc.org/federal-moratoriums,
- Freddie Mac: https://myhome.freddiemac.com/renting/lookup.html, and
- Fannie Mae: https://www.knowyouroptions.com/rentersresourcefinder.
- Sample Script for Eviction Hearing– When you have your trial, whether it is in person, by phone, or by Zoom, you can ask these questions to the landlord when it is your turn to talk.
- Sample Settlement Agreements– If you and your landlord reach an agreement for a repayment plan or to terminate the lease early, you can use these forms to document the agreement.
- Motion for Continuance– You can use these forms if you are diagnosed with Covid-19 and need a new trial date. You should first try calling to court and telling them, if they want a formal document, then you can use these forms.
- Motion to Dismiss, Notice of Hearing, and Order– You can use these forms to request that the court dismiss the eviction if you know that your property is covered by the CARES Act.
- Motion for Virtual Trial– You should be able to call the court to request a trial over the phone or a virtual trial using Zoom software. If the court tells you have to submit something in writing, you should be able to email the court. If the court requires a motion, then you can use this form.
- Motion for Mediation– If you want the court to order your case to mediation to try to work out an agreement with your landlord, you can use this form. Please note that the court does not have to grant this motion.
- Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs – If you lose your eviction case in JP court, you can use this document to appeal the case to County Court at Law
- CDC Eviction Moratorium Declaration to give your landlord
- Information about the CDC Eviction Moratorium Order
To apply for services, click here. For legal information, call 713-228-0734.
Download documents below:
Declaration pursuant to CDC Agency Order
Motion for Mediation, Notice of Submission, and Order – Pro Se
Motion to Dismiss, Notice of Hearing, and Order_Pro Se
Simple sample settlement agreements Pro Se
Motion for Virtual Trial with Reset, Notice of Hearing, and Order – Pro Se
Sample Script for Eviction Hearing